A Recommendation

I picked up this book a while back and Lucy and I just love it.  Each page highlights a different people group from all over the world.  It has beautiful pictures and shares a little bit about their daily life.  It also has a world map at the beginning so you can see where they live.  Every page ends with “these people do not have a Bible in their language”.  Lucy and I then pray that they could have access to the Word of God.  This is the second edition and most of the people from the first book have Bibles in their own language now- in a big part thanks to the people who put it out and all the children who prayed that they too could have the Word of Life!

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6 Responses to A Recommendation

  1. Ivan Lui says:

    As much as I like this idea, isn’t it also slightly depressing? Everyday, more people who have so little hope. Sigh.

  2. Dustin says:


    Sure it can be discouraging to think of all those without hope, but what is the alternative? Ignorance and inaction? I know you don’t believe that!

  3. jamie k says:

    love this book- i think it’s good for our kids to know that not everyone has a bible- and we pray for that! They could think that “duh we have a Bible everyone does..” kind of mentality!

  4. Mary B says:

    Excited to find this! Thanks for the recommendation

  5. Kate says:

    Thanks for sharing, and what a great way to encourage children to think globally.

  6. A Wycliff person recently gave us a copy of this book. They said it was the second version — because all the people groups in the first version got copies of the Word! 🙂

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